Our Covid 19 Policy
At Ordinary Magic, we place children’s safety at the forefront of our service. Due tot he Covid 19 pandemic, we want to reassure our parents by offering information about how we operate during our Holiday Clubs during this time. This is all in line with Government Advice.
Ordinary Magic have worked hard and put stringent measures in place to ensure children can enjoy our holiday clubs in a safe and secure environment.
- Prior to the Holiday club beginning, a declaration will be send out to all children’s parents to state that they have/haven’t been in contact with anyone who has Covid 19.
- We ask parents to avoid using public transport when possible.
- Attendance on the day is subject to children being virus free – if your child arrives displaying any Covid 19 symptoms they will be refused entry into the Holiday club. A refund will not be issued. If a parents lets us know prior to 8am on the morning of their child’s booking, a transfer to another date will be issued so that the child does not loose their booking.
- Additional cleaning measures are in force, meaning that all worktops and any high touch areas are thoroughly cleaned throughout the day using standard products such as bleach and detergent.
- Items and resources that will be shared will be disinfected before being passed to another child.
- Staff from Ordinary Magic will ensure that children understand the importance of hand washing and a non alcoholic hand sanitiser will also be available for parents, children and staff.
- Limit the amount of children entering the toilets at one given time.
- We ask parents to provide children with their own tissues if they wish.
- If we have more that 15 children in one booking, we will isolate these children into bubbles, which will be colour co-ordinated by wrist bands. We will ensure that there is no mixing of bubbles to reduce social distancing.
- Guidance and reminders will be showcased on walls and in bathrooms to remind the children to wash their hands for 20 seconds. We will encourage the children to sing ‘Happy Birthday twice’ if they wish to show they how long this is for.
- Staff will complete an onsite Health and Safety Questionnaire prior to working and to declare if they have been in contact with anyone that has Covid 19.
- Any child that develops a high temperature or a persistent cough will not be allowed to stay at the holiday club and will be isolated until a parent can collect the child.
- PPE will be available to staff if they wish to wear it.
- There will be a one way system for parents to drop off and collect children to ensure social distancing is maintained. There will be signs and prompts to help parents with this.
- We ask that only 1 member of the family collect their child to ensure social distancing can be easily maintained and that areas do not get busy and over crowded.
- We ask parents to respect social distancing and not gather with other parents who are also collecting their child at the same time as them.
- We advise parents to wash any clothes that are worn by their child during Ordinary Magic Holiday Club due to some evidence to suggest that the virus can linger on clothing.
- Ordinary Magic will keep a list of the children’s attendance for at least 21 days for track and trace purposes and which staff members they were in close proximity to.
Attendance on the day is subject to a child being virus-free, as far as it is practicable to be sure. A parent must NOT bring their child if they:
- show any symptoms of COVID-19 on the day
- show any symptoms within 7 days prior to attending
- are living with an individual who has shown symptoms within 14 days before the date of their attendance (child and parent should be self-isolating as per government guidelines)
Children who:
– arrive with a cough
– who are accompanied by an adult or sibling with a cough
– who are otherwise obviously unwell
will not be accepted by the member of staff on arrival. The CEO’s decision on this matter is final.
We ask parents/carers to be responsible when making a decision about bringing their child. Bringing a child who is mildly ill, even if the parent or carer are sure they are well enough to attend, could threaten the health of other children, and of our staff. Our staff are required to self-isolate at the first sign of any symptoms, so if a child arrives poorly, even if parent/carer are convinced that they do not have COVID-19 – there is a risk to Ordinary Magic having to cancel all future sessions for this season because staff will be unable to work.
We ask parents/carers to inform Ordinary Magic before 8 am on the morning of their child’s booking, where we can offer to transfer to another date in case of illness, so you will not lose your booking by keeping an ill child at home.
What we will do if someone develops symptoms at Ordinary Magic Holiday Club
If anyone becomes unwell or develops any symptoms of COVID-19 during the day, we will immediately make a call to parents or carer and ask to be sent home and advised to follow the staying at home guidance.
If a child is waiting to be collected by their guardian, parent or carer, they will be moved safely to a place behind a closed door to isolate in a ventilated area if possible. A child will have a member of staff wait with them if required.
If this is not possible, we will move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from others. The member of staff supervising the child will wear PPE and the area will be deep cleaned once the child has been collected. If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they will use a separate bathroom if possible. The bathroom will be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
If they need clinical advice, either a staff member, or it will be advised to a parent or guardian, that they should go online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they don’t have internet access). In an emergency, 999 will be called if the child is seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk.
If a member of staff has helped someone who was taken unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, they will wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell and remove and dispose of their PPE.
In most cases, closure of the Ordinary Magic Holiday Club will not be needed but this will be the CEO’s decision based on a variety of factors such as the risk of further spread.
If a confirmed case is identified with links to the school or holiday club setting, specific advice would be given on a case by case basis and parents and students would be updated appropriately via email.