We’ve had a few parents contact us to ask as to whether we are still providing our services across the borough.
As it stands at the moment, we are operating as normal and will still be offering our services across the schools in Solihull.
Of course, we as workers, parents and children ourselves, are worried about this virus and the affects it will have on ourselves and our loved ones. We can only relate to how you all must be feeling. Looking after and protecting those who are more vulnerable is paramount, but of course this pandemic will impact on us all in some way or another, whether thats through business or ill health.
With the daily news report and government guidelines changing hourly, we want you all to rest assured that we are doing our best to continue to work and offer our services to children, parents and families, taking the necessary measures to keep ourselves and others safe. There is no rule book, and we as a non-for profit business are taking it one day at a time.
We, like most of the people across the globe, are glued to the national and local news and are of course reliant on what decisions the government makes at this time. We are a little unsettled when it comes to this uncertain time, but what we can do is promise you that we will continue to work, and if schools do close in the area, then we will of course have to put a hold on our school services.
As it stands at the moment, we are keeping our booking forms open for our Easter Holiday club, but we of course will update you immediately if we have to cancel.
We can offer PSHE worksheets and fun activities which will be available on our website if the schools do shut, and will keep you posted on this over on our Facebook page.
We understand that this is a difficult time for all, and we hope that you will find comfort in knowing that our inbox is always open if you or your child/ren are suffering with anxiety around the Covid 19 (CoronaVirus)
Please, make use of Managing Corona Virus (Covid 19) Anxiety resource which we hope will help ease any worry that you or your child/ren may be experiencing.
We also recommend using this with your children for support.
Please, do drop us call or a message on Facebook or through our contact page if you wish to chat over a coffee.
Thanks for reading xxx